I seem to be a polymath

As you’ve probably guessed … I’m Randy. Thanks for visiting.
I’ve spent decades exploring, and offer creative services in –

oh, who am I kidding … at this point,
I’m happiest composing with my 7.1.6 Dolby Atmos system,
and spending quality time with my cat. 

I deleted LinkedIn … life’s too short.

I Seem to be a Synesthete

[placeholder until I decide what to say here to describe synesthesia, and its influence on my work] 


Born in Alaska and raised in the Pacific Northwest, I migrated east, studied music at Brown University and now live by Narragansett Bay in the tiny seaport town of Bristol, RI.


It’s Lola Falafel, the rescue kitty!

If you’d like to contact either of us, just click that little mail icon at the bottom of the page. You can also jump to my Mastodon stream from there.